Family Life

Family Life

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week 5

Toby is still on his CPAP, and still in air, although he does have a few de-saturations occasionally, he had a fantastic weekend, and there was even talk on Monday morning of taking him off the CPAP for short periods of time, but Toby didn’t like that idea as the minute this was mentioned, he had a big de-sat and braddy, so the doctors put up his CPAP from 5 to 6, which is still very good.  Today is Wednesday and he has put on weight finally, he is 860g and is looking really good, he is having fortifier in his milk again, and is having 5 ml an hour. He has started having pentavite, vitamins today and he has had some really wonderful kanga cuddles with mum. His brother and sisters come to visit him for the weekend, and had some time to have a little play with him; Daddy is also getting more cuddles, and changed his nappy for the first time on Sunday the 5/07/09. Hopefully by the end of the day his CPAP will be reduced to 5 again if he is able to cope with it.

Toby had a bit of a rough night again, his feeds were stopped and he had to have another IV inserted, as his little tummy was quite distended. And it was making it harder for him to breath, in the morning his CPAP was put up to 7 and he needed a bit of oxygen to help him breath. His sats were swinging quite rapidly as well. The Doctor was contemplating giving him some more lasix and maybe steroids if needed, by the end of the day he had got back to air and his tummy is starting to get a bit better but his feeds are still stopped. And he is still having some problems breathing. Daddy got to have a nice kangaroo cuddle this evening and he is starting to look a bit better again.

40 days old today, and weighing 883g, but Toby has a lot of fluid around the lower half of his body, he started the day with 33% oxygen and around lunchtime got down to air, but mummy had a nice kanga cuddle in the evening and when he was put back to bed his oxygen requirement was up to 35% a few hours later the doctor come around and turned up his CPAP to 8 and ordered some lasix finally for his swelling. Toby had an x-ray in the morning to check both his lungs and his tummy which was looking rather big, but the x-ray was ok, so the doctors decided to just continue keeping a close eye on him. When mum and dad left this evening Toby’s oxygen was back to about 27% and he was not swinging so much.

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