Family Life

Family Life

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week 5

Today was a bit up and down again for Toby, he was doing really well in the morning, they started to fortify his milk and put it up to 5mls an hour, and they started to turn down his ventilator settings too. In the evening he had to have his IV line re sited to his right arm, and his tummy was looking a bit darker in color the doctors are keeping an eye on it and will do an x ray if they think they need to. His sats started swinging again a little after being really good throughout the morning.

A good day today, Nan and pop Neilson came to visit today. And Toby was doing really well; the doctors are even talking about getting him prepared to come off the oscillator tomorrow. Yay!

Toby is really doing well today again, they are preparing him to come of the oscillator but he will wait until tomorrow, because he is doing so well they changed their minds and instead of going back on to the normal ventilator he will be going back on CPAP, mummy is so excited.

Toby is 33 days old today, and is choofing along fantastically. He had to have is IV re-sited this morning before he could be taken off the ventilator, and it took them a while to get a good line in,  the doctor shaved a good size part of his hair as they had to attempt to get one in his little head, but they were unable to get in there too. So another doctor come to look, and he managed to get one in his left arm. So poor little Toby has now got a very strange hair cut. He is having another blood transfusion today and is still on caffeine to help him to remember to breath, Spirolactone and lasix to help get rid of any excess fluid, and a decreasing dose of dexamethazone to help his lungs. It appears that it is helping wonderfully as his sats are soooo good. Today. Even on the CPAP he is on a peep of 6 that’s the pressure in his lungs, and he is in air, so he does not need any oxygen. Mum couldn’t be prouder of him at the moment.

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