Family Life

Family Life

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week 13

Toby has gone up to 20mls of mummy’s milk every 2 hours today and he is tolerating this well still. He has also graduated from CPAP to high flow oxygen/Air. Which is mixed the same as CPAP and is humidified but does not create the pressure in the lungs. He is on a flow of 4, but had 4 hours off on low flow at 0.15lpm, and did really well. He also had his first real bath in the morning, and really enjoyed it. He has had a few more breastfeeds and is really getting the hang of it. In the evening 7pm, he had some more time off on low flow and was still doing well when mummy went home to bed.
Toby continued off his CPAP throughout the day today, he is growing so strong, but by 6pm he had to go back onto the high flow as he was tiring a bit. But well done Toby 23 hours breathing on your own. The doctors said once he does that for a week or 2 and remains stable we can go home. So mummy is hoping that will be really soon. His feeds went to 3 hourly today, and the doctors decided to add more calories to his milk too, it is weigh night tonight so it will be interesting to see how he goes. Later in the evening Toby went back on to the CPAP, as he needed more of a rest. Hopefully he will go again after a good rest.

Larissa and Aimee and Daddy got to give Toby a bath today and then they each got a big cuddle. Anthony will get his tomorrow. Toby loved his bubble bath and in the evening he had a little breast feed. 9 hours off CPAP today. Well done Toby

Toby got to have another big bath today and the whole family got to help. Toby loves his baths so much and we all had some nice cuddles after. Anthony got to bond a bit with his little brother, and Anthony enjoyed singing him some nursery rhymes, although Toby does not like Pink lyrics as he got upset when Anthony started to sing “so what”!

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