Family Life

Family Life

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week 10

1120g today and he has been put down to a CPAP of 5, he may get to have some time off CPAP tomorrow. Both mummy and daddy got to have a big cuddle today. Still no blood transfusion though and his Hb is very low. He had his first eye test today and it was good!

Today Toby is doing really well. He had 40 minutes off his CPAP with some oxygen wafting over his nose. Mummy had a cuddle while he was off his CPAP and mummy and daddy think that if he was in his cot he may have lasted a bit longer as he doesn’t like being moved to much and he kept looking for milk, and sliding down, so mummy had to hoist him up a bit a few times and he didn’t like it, his Hb is now 78 and he is looking very tired. He had his 2 month immunizations today!

Toby had a blood transfusion today, his Hb got down to 73 and he was dropping his oxygen saturations very low and had the odd apnoea. His doctor come to see him and decided initially not to do the transfusion as they thought that he was poorly from his immunizations, but Toby had different Ideas, and as soon as his doctors said no he had a BIG episode where he dropped his sats and his heart rate and so the doctors changed their minds. His CPAP was put up to 7 and He got a new IDN and 20mls of blood in the afternoon and had a blood gas taken and a blood culture just in case. The gas showed his Hb to be 66, after his blood he was doing well in the afternoon.

Toby had a bit of a rough night with a few big episodes of braddicardia and apnoea again he was started on antibiotics just in case as his blood infection markers were raised. When the doctors started their rounds this morning, Toby though he needed attention and had another episode. The doctors came to witness and help and his feeds were stopped and a IV infusion was started. He is still on his antibiotics. He had to have another IV inserted as when mummy and daddy come in the afternoon they noticed his IV had tissued. During his 1500 cares, Toby had about half an hour off his CPAP unofficially, to give his head a rest form the cap, and mummy gave him a beautiful head massage. Toby liked it and remained off his CPAP! He is doing better in the evening with a CPAP of 7 and in air. He was also put back onto 3mls an hour of milk, and seemed to be tolerating this well.

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